Monday, July 21, 2014

The Waiting is the Hardest Part

I have been coming up upon the proposed time period of my brain surgery. I had an appointment, some questions came up, we've done some more research, and have another appointment this Thursday. In all likelihood it will go forward for later in August. But, the waiting is the hardest part.

Setting dates matter. Weddings happen. Knowing approximate due dates of babies helps. We make dates to confirm, to consolidate, to prepare, to end denial and more towards the next steps. So, as I hang in a bit of limbo, well, it's not that easy to wait for such a thing.

I look forward to letting you all know what is coming and when, as best I know, as as best I'm able to share. To be honest, as this all approaches I've not been my TMI self. A preview, however: I'm going to start a page to help us cope with "extra" costs that should be part of the covered expenses to help recover from such a major surgery. Things like as regular acupuncture, herbs, massage, psychotherapy, new cozy pajamas for all that laying around I'll be doing! So, stay tuned.

Love to you all and to all the support you continue to give.

A little Tom Petty, "The Waiting Is The Hardest Part"